Tuesday, March 21, 2017

How to: Deal With Customers

If there is one thing I've learned from Depop, it's that people like to express their ignorance. I don't know about the rest of you, but the best part of my day is going through my DMs and not responding to the half a dozen dweebs that ask if an item is still available when it has been sold for 36 weeks. Imagine downloading one of the most simple online marketplace tools and not know how to use it. It blows my mind. 

Ignore Them

If you want to live a long and happy life, your best bet is to ignore the customers that don't even take the time to read the bold yellow box directly on top of the item that reads 'SOLD'. If I took the time to respond to every scrub that lacks fundamental reading skills, I would be bleeding at the thumbs everyday. If you want to keep your sanity, the best bet is to not respond to Depop chumps.

Be Rude

Ignoring people is always a great go-to option, but everybody has bad days. When you run your own shop, you are your own boss, you are not responsible for wiping the bottoms of your customers. Being rude to a customer will only make them correct their own behavior. In the long run you are helping other Depop shops and making the app a better place for sellers.

hey buddy did you just blow in from stupid town

Make Friends

The majority of customers on Depop are cool people. It's not uncommon to start normal conversation when someone asks a question about an item. You never know, you might have a few new IG followers you met from your online shop.

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